Krome Cast: Tech-IT-Out

KROME CAST: TECH-IT-OUT - Mergers and Acquisitions - The Impact of technology on M&A

Krome Technologies Season 1 Episode 18

In this episode of Krome Cast: Tech-IT-Out, we discuss mergers, acquisitions, and divestments and the impact of technology on M&A. We look at how to best manage your IT planning before buying a business, running two businesses in parallel, or simply planning for acquisition. 

It is fundamentally important to ensure that the Mergers and Acquisitions IT strategy plan is in place before buying a business to guarantee that you can meet and overcome the challenges of mergers and acquisitions. Making a successful acquisition can often revolve around the correct pre-acquisition due diligence, ensuring that the transition of IT has been considered as an integral part of the process. 

This podcast features Krome's Commercial Director, Sam Mager, along with Krome's MD, Rupert Mills, sharing their views and experience on how to make a successful acquisition, mergers and acquisitions impact on IT and IT integration after acquisition.

► ABOUT KROME: Krome Technologies is a technically strong, people-centric technology consultancy, focused on delivering end-to-end infrastructure and security solutions that solve business challenges and protect critical data. We work collaboratively with clients, forming long-term business partnerships, applying knowledge, experience and the resources our clients need to solve problems, design solutions and co-create agile, efficient and scalable IT services.


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